Category Archives: The Printer’s Daughter

The customer arrives with instructions to the father that he needs his scroll reproduced. It\’s not to be distributed to anyone else and all faulty copies must be destroyed. The words must never be read allowed or surely the customer would know right away and would be extremely angry with the printer. The daughter is in another room and overhears the customer. Although her father wants to handle the project himself, she insists on helping. When he is not looking, she cannot resist reading the words allowed to see what will happen. Chaos ensues! A series of comical things occur in the shop and in the girl’s village as the consequences of her actions come to fruition. Every time she says something, her words result in something or someone converting into something else. She can’t explain what’s happening to her because every time she tries to get help, the person ends up getting changed. When the entire village is turned upside-down, the customer gets wind of it and reverses the spell. It turns out he’s part of an ancient society of pranksters! The customer is angry but can’t help laughing at the girl and the mess she calls. He invites her and her father to become honorary members of their society.

The Printer’s Daughter Page 4

“Father, I have come to assist,” said she, in her most authoritative voice. “And it’s no use telling me nay, because I know this stranger’s demands cannot be met without my help.” The printer looked up from the yellowed papers on the table and raised his gray-tinged brows. “I expected to hear such nonsense from […]

The Printer’s Daughter Page 3

She began walking the stony path toward home, but then she smelled the gentleman’s gray nag, that oddly scented creature, and she turned back to where she stood tied to the side of the shop. Which happened to be near an open window. A sly smile crossed Ella’s rosy face. What harm would it do […]

The Printer’s Daughter Page 2

When she nodded, he continued, “Farvington is my name, and I hail from —shire. I am in dire need of a reproduction of this artifact. It was entrusted to me not a day ago with the most particular and demanding instructions.” His thin, wrinkly neck strained against the folds of his cravat as if trying […]

The Printer’s Daughter Page 1

A long time ago, in the mossy village of Haven, a printer by the name of Totts operated an old press handed down to him by his father, and his father’s father, mainly printing poetry leaflets for enamored knights and prayer booklets for God-fearing folk. Totts had grown up as a wee lad in this […]